AISFP 208 – Make it So

About WITHIN THIS MORTAL COIL: There are some things you can’t un-do. You face the result of your actions and move on, but what if you were forced relive those moments over and over? For Corey Aston, this nightmare became reality after waking up in his bathtub with his wrists slit. A mysterious stranger to say his wife left him and taken everything. Then he is being hunted by two men in ski masks. When things worsen and the sweet embrace of death takes a hold of him, he isn’t lifted up to the heavens, but dragged back down to his bathtub to repeat the events that just transpired. As reality blurs and his sanity dissipates, Corey must unravel the tangled web his life has turned into or be forced to repeat his mistakes and brew in his own personal hell. With so many knots, where does one start to untangle the mess? And, without the person you love by your side, is it even worth trying?

This episode is brought to you by Eternal Press. Originally founded in 2007, Eternal Press publishes a wide array of genre fiction, including a book previously mentioned on the show, THE LOKIANS, and other novels like THE WILD BOYS by our good friend Travis Heermann. We will be bringing you several episodes in the coming month sponsored by individual Eternal Press titles, and we’ll have a chance to meet some of the authors via a round table discussion. To learn more about this small press and the titles they offer, visit their website, research their titles on Amazon, and tell them AISFP sent you.

Show Notes:

The boys get together for the first time in months. There is a big announcement made (see below), but first they discuss topics like:

So, what’s this big announcement all about?

Shaun here. For most of you, this won’t be a big deal at all, but it is for me. After 6 1/2 years piloting Adventures in Scifi Publishing, I am stepping out of the Captain’s Chair and surrendering the helm to Timothy C. Ward. Both Moses and Brent will remain as co-hosts and interviewers, and I will make the occasional appearance in the future. But by and large, my time on the podcast has run its course.

Creating this podcast in 2006 and seeing it through over 200 episodes has been tremendously fulfilling. I have interviewed amazing writers like Ray Bradbury and Neil Gaiman. I have spent time one-on-one with some of my favorite actors, like Robert Carlyle and Michael Shanks. And I have had the unbelievable honor of meeting new authors as they are just really starting their careers. We had folks like Tobias Buckell and Greg Van Eekhout on the show when they had just one book out! Most important to me, I have made real and true friends that I love and cherish.

I look forward to being a fan of the show and contributing interviews when I can, and I know that Tim, Moses and Brent will usher forth many wonderful podcasts to come. Thank you for your support over the years. I hope I can meet all of you at a convention in some year to come, and I hope I was able to contribute something to this community, though certainly I can never come close to bestowing an equal measure of what I have received.  God bless you all.

Oh, and by the way, if you want to stay in touch with me, please hit me up on my personal Twitter @shaunfarrell. I’m on facebook, too.

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  1. Best of luck, Shaun.

    Congrats, Tim!

  2. I can’t express how much I feel I’ve gotten out of this podcast over the last 6 years. Shaun, best of luck. Look forward to what you send in down the road. Can’t thank you enough for this podcast.

  3. Good luck in your next steps, Shaun. You are an inspirational member of the SF community and hope your voice continues.

    Congrats, Tim on your new role. I look forward to good things.

  4. Congratulations, Tim! 🙂

  5. Sorry to see you go, Shaun, I truly enjoyed this podcast with you at the helm. It’s how I found out about Stonecoast and thus began my writing career. Best luck to you in whatever you do next.


  6. Shaun Farrell says

    Thank you for the kind words, everyone!

  7. What the others said. The kitchen chores won’t be the same. Your podcast saw me through the transition to pro.

  8. Carl V. Anderson says

    Congratulations Tim! Enjoyed listening to this one. Fun that you talked about running and listening to AISFP. I’ve been doing the Runner’s World Streak, running at least a mile a day from Memorial Day through July 4th. Doing that has allowed me time to try out a bunch of podcasts and AISFP is one that I’ve been catching up on during my runs.

    Looking forward to checking out more older episodes…so you won’t be entirely gone for me Shaun…and the new as well.

    And had to pop in with my two cents to say that I thought Super 8 was fantastic. One of my favorite SF films. Touches all the right nostalgia buttons. That being said, I’m worried about JJ touching Star Wars.

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