AISFP 241 – Bruce Taylor on Magical Realism

Timothy C. Ward interviews Mr. Magical Realism, Bruce Taylor, about how Magical Realism creates a plethora of opportunities for story telling. You may remember Bruce from the WorldCon/ChiCon panel where he and Cat Valente discussed, “Quantum Physics Meets Magical Realism.”

About our guest, Bruce Taylor:

brucetaylorBruce Taylor, also know as “Mr. Magic Realism,” was a student at the Clarion West Science Fiction/Fantasy, and has been actively  promoting and advancing  the form of writing known as Magical Realism, founding the Magic Realist Writers International Network in 2001. He has currently co-edited, along with Elton Elliott (former editor of the Science Fiction Review), the anthology Like Water for Quarks: The Intersection of Magic Realism and Science Fiction.


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Planet Oz: the Novel tells the tale of Dorothy, a young engineer with an adventuresome spirit and no idea of how to return home after crash-landing on a strange planet. Using her brains and her refusal to give up, she helps her new companions fulfill their life-long dreams even as she grows into someone worthy of their friendship

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Tim also interviewed James about Planet Oz.

Timothy C. Ward
Executive Producer

Timothy C. Ward has been podcasting since 2010, first as AudioTim, and now with AISFP. His first publication, Cornhusker: Demon Gene (A Short Story), is available on Kindle for $.99. He just turned in his novel to his editor, Joshua Essoe. Kaimerus is described as “Firefly crashes on Avatar and wakes up 28 Days Later.”

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  1. I thoroughly enjoyed this interview, Tim. I love magic realism – in fact, one of my own short stories, Levitation, which appeared in an anthology called Shorts V, was magic realism – by accident, rather than design. It started as an out and out horror story, but then I re-wrote it, and it was selected for this competition anthology.

    In terms of works worth looking out for, I’d like to mention House of the Spirits – and indeed other novels by the wonderful Isabel Allende; the original Russian version of Solaris, directed by Andrej Tarkovsky (the US version was quite good, but the Tarkovsky is a real work of art); arguably 2001: A Space Odyssey is magic realism, too. And check out The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror athologies (St. Martin’s Press) – they always have a number of magical realist stories in there.

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