Hey, that’s my name up there. It is hard to imagine that the past six years of fully focused writing has only netted me two published stories, but I am glad to have waited until I had something I’m proud of. Scavenger: Red Sands (Scavenger #1) is my Hugh Howey fanfic set in his Sand universe. You can read my story without have having read Sand, but I recommend you do both. I don’t mind if you read his masterpiece first, it is one of the best books I’ve read this year (Sand review). Hugh has granted full permission for me to write and sell this story.
*Editor’s note: the sequel to a five part serial is now out. Scavenger: Blue Sands (Scavenger #2) is now available on Kindle.
This novelette is a complete story, but readers have liked it, so I am writing more. I’m inspired by what Hugh did with Wool, and will dream big even though the chances of repeating his success are minimal. I’d even take what some midlisters are doing with their serialized fiction. Michael Bunker recently released his Dunes Over Danvar 3, completing his Sand fanfic story. He has been at this for awhile, building up an audience via his off-the-grid blog, then serialized multiple books, Wick, Pennsylvania, and more. Michael was on the podcast back on Episode 249.
I suppose I’m one of many with hopes of publishing something that will help me get to the point of writing full-time, but that doesn’t mean I shouldn’t try, and write as though this can.
So, what is Scavenger: Red Sands? It is about a sand diver who is grieving the loss of his son, and is given an opportunity to move on, but possibly in the wrong direction. The job he is offered could harden his heart enough to forget about his son, but it would also mean the final break between him and his estranged wife.
For me, this story is personal because I just had my first child. Scavenger: Red Sands gave me an emotional experience in writing that almost documents how I’ve grown as a human being since Kai was born, the new feelings I have as a father and husband. As a husband, I’m seeing how spouses can turn against each other when the baby creates tension. Coming from a broken home, my two biggest goals are being a great husband and father, but I also understand the temptation to push people away. I’m an introvert, and sometimes I form walls that exclude even those I love. Sometimes, I wonder if a worst case scenario is forming walls so thick that they become permanent, and in spite of my desire to have a joyful relationship with wife and child, I fail.
Scavenger is the story of someone on the verge of failure in that way.
You can purchase it at:
Timothy C. Ward
Executive Producer
Timothy C. Ward has been podcasting since 2010, first as AudioTim, and now with AISFP. Scavenger: Red Sands
, is available on Kindle for $.99. His novel in beta readers’ hands, Order After Dark, is a Post-apocalyptic Fantasy set in the rift between Iowa and the Abyss. Sign up to his author newsletter for updates on new releases.
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Well done, tim. I’ll have to keep an eye out for this one. I forget though, is Sand part of the Wool series, as I’ve yet to finish Wool.
Thanks! Sand is a new world, not related to Wool.