Love is back!… if you love angels, vampires, vampire angels, and the baddest boys of any species in romantic fantasy. Plus, we have some bad girls who kick butt and take names. And there are plenty of bad people in general to read about as well. Every good story needs a villain, right? Bad or […]
SFF Book Releases – May 24, 2016
Lots of magic and mystery awaits you in the SFF BOOK RELEASES THIS WEEK! Let’s take a look. Remember, If you’re an indie or small press author and would like your book included in this list, email us at adventuresinscifipublishing [at] gmail [dot] com. If you love free books, reviews, and podcasts, sign up to our AISFP Wormhole […]
SFF Book Releases – May 17, 2016
There’s something for everyone in the SFF BOOK RELEASES THIS WEEK, and we mean everyone! Your new favorite book is waiting for you below. Guaranteed or your money back.* *You didn’t pay any money to us to access this website. Your refund is $0. We pay in gold pressed latinum. Remember, If you’re an indie […]
SFF Book Releases – May 10, 2016
We’re getting literary this week so prepare for stories that don’t follow genre rules. But they’re joined by the return of a writer who makes the rules: Guy Gavriel Kay! And, best of all (for me) this week features lots and lots of WEREWOLVES. I might be biased towards the SFF BOOK RELEASES THIS WEEK […]
SFF Book Releases – May 3, 2016
Lots of traditional Science Fiction and Fantasy–with a noticable military bent–in your SFF BOOK RELEASES THIS WEEK. Book lovers: AttennnnnnnnSHUN! And don’t forget: If you’re an indie or small press author and would like your book included in this list, email us at adventuresinscifipublishing [at] gmail [dot] com. If you love free books, reviews, and podcasts, sign up […]
SFF Book Releases – April 26, 2016
This week’s SFF BOOK RELEASES (THIS WEEK) are all about big franchises. And small franchises. And some books that will be big franchises when they grow up. And then there’s some other stuff that could be big or might stay little but you’ll only know for sure if you read them. And don’t forget: If […]
Book Review: King Space Void by Anthony Trevino
Dane Shipps is a worker aboard the spaceship King Space Void, a gigantic ship that fuels itself by eating planets. He and the other workers worship the ship as their god and believe it will take them to a paradise called the Edge. On an especially bad day for Dane, he meets a woman from […]
Book Review: The Wolf in the Attic by Paul Kearney
Paul Kearney’s The Wolf in the Attic (Rebellion/Solaris) is a coming-of age-story. The publishers suggest it will appeal to people who love the work of Tolkein, C.S. Lewis and Philip Pullman, and I agree. Curiously enough, a fictionalised version of the creator of the Narnia novels makes an appearance as a character, albeit highly disguised as […]
SFF Book Releases – April 5, 2016
We have a whole month of books available for your SFF BOOK RELEASES THIS WEEK and it’s only April 5th. Don’t be a fool and miss out on any of these though, with nearly 40 books available, you’ll have to make an effort not to see any of these titles. If there’s only one book […]