AISFP Podcast 271 – Special Announcement

Hey folks… well I’m not going to ruin the surprise in the shownotes, so you’ll have to have a listen. 😉

A couple special announcements about our team that I can share. First, John Dodds, an irreplaceable reviewer and cohost, just released his paranormal comedy, Dead Boyfriends.

Dead BoyfriendsAbout Dead Boyfriends:

Some guys won’t take “no” for an answer – even from beyond the grave.

Daisy Wentworth’s life couldn’t be better. For one thing she works as a gallery attendant who regularly has to deal with abusive visitors. For another, her opinion of herself as a “fat-arsed frump” pretty well summarises the state of her self-esteem. And not only has her latest boyfriend just died but now his ghost, and another three of her deceased lovers’ ghosts, have taken up residence in her flat.

Things seem to be looking up when handsome businessman, Carl Simmons, falls for her. The only problem is that the jealous, vindictive, dead, exes are determined that “Mr. Businessman” won’t have their girl.


Second, my novelette, Scavenger, is free thru Wednesday. I’m getting a little shy about promoting that sale because of the high download numbers, but hopefully it will have a good ratio of reviews and future buys as I release the next episode. Click the link below to sign up for my newsletter to hear about the next release. Scavenger 2: Blue Dawn will be at least three times longer, so it is taking a little time as I expand the story from a novelette to a good sized novel.

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  1. Thank you so much, Tim. I really appreciate what you said – and, trust me, you can expect some new content soon. My next project, hopefully out by end of August is a sci fic novella series, called BAD SEEDS. My elevator pitch is that it’s a cross between Person of Interest, Breaking Bad and The Avengers!

  2. Shaun Farrell says

    Thank you for everything you’ve done on the show, Tim!

  3. Thank you and well done, Tim! Welcome back to the hot seat, Shaun!

  4. Yay!!! I’m so happy Shawn is back! I was sad that Moses stepped down from the Hide and Create podcast, but to hear that we’re getting Shawn back on Adventures in Scifi Publishing makes me happy. Apples and oranges of course, but yeah. Super excited you’re back, Shawn!

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