The Importance Of Keeping An Open Mind To The Fiction Of Ideas

They say “speculative fiction” is the fiction of ideas. Ever heard that? . . . But the more I read and get to know the speculative fiction community, the more I’ve discovered a closed mindedness that seems to be the antithesis of the cliché.

The Importance Of Faith As An Element In Realistic SFF Worldbuilding

It’s a topic that comes around time and again: Religion and Science Fiction. While some argue the two are antithetical, others, even Atheists, strongly disagree. SFSignal had such a case in their Mind Meld on the subject in which such known Agnostics and Atheists as Mike Resnick, Ben Bova, Michael A. Burstein and L.E. Modessit, Jr. argue that the two are not antithetical.

Guest Post: Five Things You Should Never Do in Epic Fantasy

Medieval Scholar and fantasy author K.V. Johansen presents a wonderful, funny and insightful article on what writers should never put into their epic fantasies, starting with baled hay.

NEWS – Part Three: The Take-Away

Howard Andrew Jones share thoughts on writing and what he learned through the publication process of his first novel.

NEWS – Part Two: Sword and Sorcery

Howard Andrew Jones returns with part two of his April blog series. This time he breaks down Sword and Sorcery: why he loves it, why it causes debate, and why it seems to be back.

NEWS – Part One: On Heroes and Why We Need Them

Howard Andrew Jones, author of The Desert of Souls and Managing Editor of Black Gate, examines heroes, antiheroes, and what it all means.

An Open Letter on Indie Publishing

My name is Justin Patrick Moore and I’m a big fan of speculative literature, just as I am of underground and experimental music. I’ve been engaged with both since I was in grade school. My interest in strange electronic and avant-garde music has led me to hosting my own radio show, “On the Way to […]

NEWS – Some Things I’ve Learned from Superstars

Moses recounts his time at the Superstars Writing Seminars. What did he learn from his time there, and what does it take be a bestselling author?

Historical Fantasy: A History, Part Three: The Future

As promised, I will close out this little series with a few thoughts on why I think the historical fantasy genre has recently enjoyed such a surge of popularity.

Historical Fantasy: A History, Part Two: The Present

M.K. Hobson returns: You’ll find some works that are indisputably seminal (e.g., Mists of Avalon, by Marion Zimmer Bradley) as well as some lesser known works that bring something fresh and unique to the field.