AISFP 233 – Emma Newman, ALL IS FAIR

Brent Bowen interviews Emma Newman at the recent World Science Fiction Convention, LoneStarCon 3. Emma is a narrator and full-time author, best known for her Split Worlds series through Angry Robot Books. The Split Worlds novels are Between Two Thorns, Any Other Name, and the recently released, All is Fair. Emma has a signup newsletter […]


Timothy C. Ward and John Dodds interview Science Fiction and Fantasy novelist, Kay Kenyon. Her newest novel, A THOUSAND PERFECT THINGS, is currently on sale in print and ebook. The ebook has a deal going for $2.99 on Kindle, Nook, and Apple’s iBooks, expiring Tuesday. Discussed: What inspired Kay to begin an alternate history, fantasy […]

AISFP 231 – DemiCon “Working with David Weber”

David Weber and his team of highly cool and intelligent nerds at BuNine have a discussion at DemiCon 24. They just released a book, House of Steel (Honor Harrington), where this kind of background information could be read, but hearing them chat is funny and includes Q and A from the audience. For the first […]

AISFP 230 – James A. Owen

Moses Siregar III is back on the show, interviewing James A. Owen at Phoenix Comicon. James Owen is a YA author, an illustrator and a motivational speaker. More about James on his “About the Author” page. Buy James Owen’s books at Coppervale International Marketplace. Discussed: The relationship between his StarChild comics and his newest work […]

AISFP 229 – John Picacio, Hugo Award Winner, Best Professional Artist

Brent Bowen is back, interviewing John Picacio at the 2013 ConQuest. They discussed: past Hugo winners for Best Professional Artist and the prestigious non-winners. different forms of creating art and how he is trying to adapt to the digital age. John’s early-career experience working with Michael Moorcock, the importance of developing his creative voice early […]

AISFP 228 – Matt Bialer, Part Two, Literary Agent Advice

Shaun Farrell returns for the second part of his podcast interview with Matt Bialer, poet, street photographer and literary agent. Part One (AISFP 227) centered on his newest release, Black Powder, an epic poem for fans of urban myths. Head over to that post to enter the GIVEAWAY for Sea Change by S.M. Wheeler. In […]

AISFP 227 – Matt Bialer, Part One, Black Powder

Shaun Farrell is back, for a couple more episodes–we won’t say his last–to interview poet and literary agent for Sanford J. Greenburger Associates, Matt Bialer, about his recent release, “Black Powder,” an epic poem “for people who watch the Discovery channel at 3AM.” Giveaway details for Sea Change by S.M. Wheeler at bottom of post. […]

AISFP 226 – Jason Hough, Part Two

Timothy C. Ward and Michael R. Underwood are back to interview Jason Hough in time for the release of The Exodus Towers: The Dire Earth Cycle: Two. Here’s the link for Part One of their interview. Discussed: Practice novels, how Sara Megibow (Jason and Michael’s agent) helped him with developing as a writer How listening […]

AISFP 225 – Jason Hough, Part One, THE DARWIN ELEVATOR

Timothy C. Ward and Michael R. Underwood interview the newly minted New York Times Bestselling author Jason M. Hough about his debut novel, The Darwin Elevator (Dire Earth Cycle). Discussed:  The science behind his space elevator, why he loves that science fiction trope (SF Signal article he wrote on the space elevator) and research he did […]

AISFP 224 – Tracy Falbe, RYS RISING

Timothy C. Ward interviews Tracy Falbe, author of Rys Rising: Book I and seven other Epic Fantasy novels at Tracy introduces her series, her magic systems and the source of conflict in her characters and world. She also addresses how to keep her story from being too complicated as more characters are introduced by […]