AISFP 203 – Jessica Steiner

Jessica Steiner joins us to discuss altering the laws of physics, the first works of science fiction, indie publishing, Star Trek and much more.

AISFP 202 – Myke Cole, Scott Lynch, Jean Johnson, Eightball and Marie Bilodeau

Apocalyptic natural disasters, hungry zombies, devastating plagues. These are all mainstays of SF&F stories. The federal government has real National Incident Management System (NIMS) for dealing with them. How would NIMS react to some science fictional scenarios? What would the response look like?

AISFP 201 – Barnes and Noble slides; Amazon Grips Tightly

Shaun and Moses discuss a variety of publishing news topics. We recorded this several weeks ago, so we confess that these stories may have been updated since then. Also, Moses answers a question about dictation.

AISFP 200 – Lou Anders

In this episode, we take a drive down memory lane. Then we update some of the past “big topics” covered on the show, including: The Death of Short Fiction, the Rising Paradigm of Publishing, the dangers of Indie Publishing, the hottest sub-genres of science fiction and fantasy, space travel allergies, and more.

Episode 199 – Sean Williams

Before we replay a classic interview, Sean Williams joins us to discuss his latest projects, experimental sleep deprivation, and Writers of the Future, among other topics.

AISFP 198 – Kevin J. Anderson, Part 2

Kevin J. Anderson is back to discuss being a writer with no future, Patrick Rothfuss, being an overnight success in 20 years, one of his favorite works, writing by dictation,, and more!

AISFP 197 – Kevin J. Anderson, Part 1

Kevin J. Anderson joins Moses to discuss this year’s Superstars Writing Seminar, HELLHOLE: AWAKENING, zombie private detectives, continuing THE SAGA OF SEVEN SUNS, doing horrible things to imaginary friends, the business of publishing, and much more.

AISFP 196 – R.S. Belcher, Part 2

R. S. Belcher returns to discuss Place as Character, characters of THE SIX GUN TAROT, unexpected characters, stealing from H.P. Lovecraft, and more.

AISFP 195 – R.S. Belcher, Part 1

R.S. Belcher joins us to discuss the freshening of old plot lines  his former stint on Occult Crimes Task Force in Virginia, trying to time the market, and Stephen King’s Secret Mutant Super Power.

AISFP 194 – Small Press VS. Independent Press

Bryan Thomas Schmidt joins us to discuss publishing via small press versus independently publishing your own work. He and Moses touch on RayGun Chronicles, military fantasy, the demise of short fiction (?), the health of original anthologies, controlling pricing, the benefit of having a staff handle production of a book and more.