AISFP 174 – Adam Christopher

Adam Christopher, author of EMPIRE STATE and the new SEVEN WONDERS, joins us to discuss his love for superheroes, his literary inspirations, science fiction period pieces and why superhero literature has not kept pace with superhero film.

AISFP 173 – Glen Cook

Glenn Cook, author of The Black Company and Dread Empire series, discusses his first novel, living with Fritz Leiber and his journey in writing.

AISFP 172 – Walter Jon Williams, Nancy Kress and Michael J. Winegar

Michael J Winegar discusses the groundbreaking Kickstarter book TOME OF IDEAS FOR WRITERS AND ROLEPLAYERS. Walter Jon Williams and Nancy Kress talk writing, genre and how one can be taught to write.

AISFP 171 — Sharon Lee and Steve Miller

Sharon Lee and Steve Miller chatted with Brent at ConQuest. They discuss recent, big news that all 15 books in the Liaden Universe® will be released at Audible, other upcoming projects — including more Liaden books — and boxed wine.

AISFP 170 – Bryan Thomas Schmidt

Bryan Thomas Schmidt joins us to discuss several new projects, particularly his second novel in the Saga of Davi Rhii THE RETURNING.

AISFP 169 – Eric Flint and the New Girl

Eric Flint is the author of the hugely popular 1632 series and a speaker at the Superstars Writing Seminar. He sat down with Moses to discuss his work, lawsuits, Amazon’s power, ebooks and how Baen is setting an example more publishers should follow.

AISFP 168 – Jennifer Brozek, Mark Teppo and Mary Robinette Kowal

Sandra Wickham caroled Jen Brozek, Mark Teppo and Mary Robinette Kowal, luring them away from the word count goals and comfy chairs with promises of AISFP grandeur, and here is the result! These fine writers discuss the writing process and much more.

AISFP 167 – D.T. Conklin and Lane Diamond of Evolved Publishing

D.T. Conklin joins us to discuss his debut fantasy novel EULOGY. Also featured: Lane Diamond, Executive Editor of Evolved Publishing.

AISFP 166 – Podcaster Panel: J. Daniel Sawyer, John Mierau and Indiana Jim

Just about everyone has opinions on Amazon and the way Amazon is influencing (or controlling) publishing, and the podcasters joining us in this episode are no exception! J. Daniel Sawyer, Indiana Jim and John Mierau pontificate and share a singular message: Authors! Chill out.

AISFP 165 – Ari Marmell

Ari Marmell joins us to discuss THIEF’S COVENANT and other recent novels. Topics cover popular fantasy tropes, including the orphan who rises to new heights; the link between violence and humor; the intended audience of TC; being devoted to outlines; how he approaches themes of good VS. evil and much more.