AISFP 100 – Kij Johnson

Kij Johnson (and a special guest) joins us from the Campbell Conference to discuss the possible evolution of the short story, her own recent award-winning Spar — 2009 Nebula Award Winner, 2010 Hugo Award Nominee, and 2010 Locus Award Finalist — and this Midwest gem called the Center for the Study of Science Fiction.

This episode is brought to you by SPELLWRIGHT, the exciting new fantasy novel from Blake Charlton. Nicodemus is a young, gifted wizard with a problem. Magic in his world requires the caster to create spells by writing out the text . . . but he has always been dyslexic, and thus has trouble casting even the simplest of spells. And his misspells could prove dangerous, even deadly, should he make a mistake in an important incantation. Read the novel Robin Hobb calls a “letter-perfect story: an absorbing read and recommended.”

Show Notes:

Kij recounts how the Campbell Conference not only ushered her into a life as a writer, but also how she has grown because of the opportunities afforded to her by the Center’s Science Fiction & Fantasy Novel Writers Workshop .

Show Notes: The 2010 Campbell Conference was dedicated to “Theodore Sturgeon and the Science-Fiction Short Story.” The final volume of Sturgeon’s complete works, “Volume XIII: Case and the Dreamer” was recently released.

PICTURES! Sorry I forgot to post them. First, the view from Sam’s room, and then the two promised shots of Samazon.

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  1. Sam is back! Yay, Sam!

    Good interview with Kij Johnson.

    And happy 100th, Shaun!

  2. Shaun Farrell says

    Thanks, Fred!

  3. I know I am getting senile, but I could have sworn we were promised pictures of Sam’s costume and fuzzy balls in the shownotes . . . XXXVIIIDD?!? . . . scary.

    Seriously, it was good to hear salaciousness grace the podcast again. One hopes for a few more of her guest appearances on your way to number 200.

  4. Barry Bryant says

    Where are Sam pictures? You promised!

  5. Shaun Farrell says

    I forgot the PICTURES!! I’ll post them now.

  6. Always nice to see a smiling face . . . with green balls hanging from it.


    So glad to hear her voice. Gosh, I missed her. Sounds like she’s having an awesome time.

    I enjoyed Kijj’s interview. And I’m going to put George’s books on my list. Haven’t read them yet, but my grandma has and loves them. she’s also upset, of course, that the next one is out. I figure (hope?) by the time I get through my reading pile, his next one will be out. Good to hear that he’s working on it.

  8. long time, no talk.

    been working through the new show material and i like the new people and this website.

    first, sam’s second picture: did she ask the ‘hat’ to cough first?

    second, Kij was so amazingly passionate that i had to listen to her again. i think she is the type of person that needs to be a teacher and generally we need more teachers like her. so much passion for the craft of writing itself and not just getting her ‘plug’ out about her work during the interview.

    it was really a great interview.

    Its good to be catching up and i loved the lou anders one as well!

    take care and i hope the family is well.

  9. Shaun Farrell says

    I remember you, Raul! Welcome back.


  1. […] can imagine … I considered it no less than an honor for my interview with Kij Johnson to be episode 100 and forever melded into the canon of Adventures in Scifi […]

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