AISFP 110 – Liza Groen Trombi

LOCUS Magazine Editor-in-Chief Liza Groen Trombi joins our Brent Bowen at the World Fantasy Convention to discuss trends in the industry, the health of print short fiction (Realms of Fantasy’s folding. Though, it’s since been purchased and will continue.), and their January 2011 launch into the digital editions. You can find finalized details about LOCUS Magazine’s digital editions and get your digital copy of issue #600 – January 2011 now.

Episode Sponsor

Mortimus ClayThe Purloined Boy is about a lanky twelve year old named Trevor Upjohn. He was stolen by a bogeyman right out his bed when he was just a wee lad. But that’s not what makes him special. What makes him special is he knows he was stolen. More than that – he wants to go home again. His care-givers, the Guardians, won’t hear of it. Worse, the bogeymen have other plans for him – plans too awful to even mention here. Fortunately for our hero the Venerable Guild of the Sun Eaters is working to save him. Even better, a talking mouse named Zephyr comes to Trevor’s aid and promises to take him home, but with one proviso! And just in case you were wondering, purloined means stolen! Read The Purloined Boy today.

Show Notes

  • Harlan Ellison is selling his first typewriter for the sum of 40K. We discuss his candidate explanation and relate it to Spider Robinson’s comments from the anthology BEFORE THEY WERE GIANTS.
  • Random House ebook sales soared in 2010, with some of their top titles selling equal number electronic editions and paper copies! Shaun then laments his lack of an ebook reader.
  • Orson Scott Card suffered a mild stroke on New Years Day. We also discuss his new novel, a fantasy entitled THE LOST GATE.


  • The guys discuss Lou Anders blog comment from Episode 109 regarding piracy. And, yes, our voicemail number is broken, but we’ll get a new one soon.

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  1. I like the surprise bonus at the very end 🙂

  2. I couldn’t resist.

  3. Thanks for the info. Didn’t like the finances part…gonna ignore it and quit my job anyway. Ü Don’t worry though, I won’t just write.

    Funny Stuff I Write

  4. Shaun Farrell says

    As long as you replace the day job, right? I’ve been considering male modeling. . . not doing it myself, just thinking about it.

    Okay, I got a little weird, there.

  5. Art, carving, furniture refinishing, design…and only a little male modeling…rarely…when I get sick of ramen.

  6. Thanks again, guys. Another great episode. #110? That’s amazing.
    But I should correct you – the books in question weren’t pirated in advance of their publication. They were pirated at publication. We’ve had other works pirated, one or two torrents offering an illegal download showing up. But both these works were HEAVILY pirated – I’m talking a period of several weeks, from the week they were published to a few months out, where we were getting 2 to 3 Google Alerts a day pointing to different torrent sites.

    I’d also address you to this post, worth reading:

  7. “I prefer to eat caviar off the hood of a brand new Bentley, but that’s not going to happen. Wanting something doesn’t make you entitled to it.”

  8. Thanks, Lou, for the clarification — we were uncertain of the timing. Regardless, a bad spot to be put in. It’s unfortunate we seem to be seeing more and more horror stories of piracy crop up all over the interwebs (thanks for sharing a few — Note: The anywherebeyond post has come as a recommended read by several folks).

    For those of you feeling a bit melancholy about our discussion on the financial viability of being a writer, we’ll be bringing you a couple interviews from World Fantasy that are bit more upbeat in tone and I think they will help balance things out.

  9. Maybe Harlan Ellison can release The Last Dangerous Visions to make some bucks?

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