Hugh Howey is on a small list of authors that I instant buy as soon as a new work is released. From mind bending science fiction like his novelette The Plagiarist, to post-apocalyptic adventure with heart in his Wool (Silo Saga)
series and I, Zombie
, Hugh has proven that he is more than just that indie author who is cool to all and sells tons of books. One trademark of his style is how well he portrays his characters’ longing for happiness. You have to care about characters and he writes some of the best. I’m a little frightened about some of the things he’s said about the turmoil that he’s put Sand‘s characters in, but I’m excited as well.
(beautiful cover by Jason Gurley)
(My review of Sand is live)
Sand Omnibus description:
The old world is buried. A new one has been forged atop the shifting dunes. Here in this land of howling wind and infernal sand, four siblings find themselves scattered and lost. Their father was a sand diver, one of the elite few who could travel deep beneath the desert floor and bring up the relics and scraps that keep their people alive. But their father is gone. And the world he left behind might be next.
Welcome to the world of Sand, the first new novel from New York Times bestselling author Hugh Howey since his publication of the Silo Saga. Unrelated to those works, which looked at a dystopian world under totalitarian rule, Sand is an exploration of lawlessness. Here is a land ignored. Here is a people left to fend for themselves. Adjust your ker and take a last, deep breath before you enter.
I like to buy signed copies of my instant-buy authors’ books, and Hugh always tries to make them good collector’s pieces. You can buy signed copies of Sand from Hugh (limited time before he leaves for book tours). One of his frequently hired artists, Ben Adams, has produced artwork between each of the five stories within Sand Omnibus (sneak peak on or on his flickr page).
Ben just gave me permission to share some of the artwork you’ll find in print copies of Sand Omnibus:
In other Hugh Howey news, his Kurt Vonnegut, Kindle Worlds, short story, Peace in Amber
, releases January 14. Hugh blogged that “This is, without a doubt, the hardest thing I’ve ever written.” I can’t wait to see why. Here’s the book description:
Hugh Howey was a boat captain living aboard a seventy-four-foot yacht in the shadow of the Twin Towers on the morning of September 11, 2001.
Imprisoned and put on display in a glass-domed zoo on the planet Tralfamadore, adult film actress Montana Wildhack is left alone with her thoughts and her occasional lover Billy Pilgrim.
Inspired by Kurt Vonnegut’s masterpiece Slaughterhouse Five, Howey uses this short story to weave his own personal Dresden experience with Wildhack’s private hell. In Peace in Amber, he examines the struggle to determine what to control, when to surrender, and how to discern those things we cannot change.
Timothy C. Ward
Executive Producer
Timothy C. Ward has been podcasting since 2010, first as AudioTim (Ep 32 with Hugh Howey), and now with AISFP. His first publication, Cornhusker: Demon Gene (A Short Story)
, is available on Kindle for $.99. His novel in progress, Kaimerus, is described as “Firefly crashes on Avatar and wakes up 28 Days Later.”
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Subterranean Press is taking preorders on the entire Wool series. They’re pricy, but sure are tempting.
I’ve read the Wool and Shift books. Haven’t gotten around to the Dust ones yet.