AISFP 296 – Jodi McIsaac and Jen Foehner Wells (Part 2)

Advice about whether to go the self publishing or traditional publishing route is often provided from those who started their careers five to ten years ago. We wanted to chat with a few individuals who were recently in the midst of the quagmire. Jennifer Foehner Wells, the science fiction author of FLUENCY,  and Jodi McIsaac, fantasy author of the THIN VEIL series, join us for the second part of a two-part conversation about what it’s like today in self publishing for the new, hopeful and uninitiated. Kristi helps provide contrast with some of the lessons she’s learned through traditional publishing.

Kristi Charish Owl and the Japanese CircusThis episode is brought to you by the OWL & THE JAPANESE CIRCUS series from Kristi Charish (and Kristi’s favorite craft beer, Old Yale Brewing Co.’s Sasquatch Stout).

Ex-archaeology grad student turned international antiquities thief … Alix—better known now as Owl—has one rule. No supernatural jobs. Ever. Until she crosses paths with Mr. Kurosawa … a red dragon who owns and runs the Japanese Circus Casino in Las Vegas.

He insists Owl retrieve an artifact stolen three thousand years ago … and makes her an offer she can’t refuse: he’ll get rid of a pack of vampires that want her dead. A dragon is about the only entity on the planet that can deliver on Owl’s vampire problem – and let’s face it … dragons are known to eat the odd thief.

Book 1 in the series, OWL & THE JAPANESE CIRCUS is currently available in the U.S. and internationally … and the follow-up … OWL AND THE CITY OF ANGELS is available for pre-order at select venues.

Make sure to follow Kristi on FacebookTwitter and Google+.

In our second Self-Pub vs. Traditional-Pub episode:

Jennifer Foehner Wells Fluency

Jennifer Foehner Wells’ Fluency

The Thin Veil

Jodi McIsaac’s The Thin Veil Collection

We chat on a number of topics including Jennifer Foehner Wells and Jodi McIsaac’s respective thoughts on how to market your work.

The conversation also addresses self-publishing advice that once was held as best practice but may not be as valid today.

Conversely, Jennifer Foehner Wells and Jodi McIsaac offer their advice for anyone looking to get into publishing and views about the future of publishing.

Before Part 2, Kristi and I chat feedback we’ve received, both regarding the Hugo Awards controversy as well as about Part 1 of Self Publishing vs. Traditional Publishing discussion.

We also about upcoming guests, including revealing the surprise guest for Hugos talk.

Speaking of awards, we also encourage you to nominate a podcast for the 2015 Parsec Awards. Nominations close Sunday, May 31, 2015.

Finally, if you missed our interview with SCY-FY: The Blog of S.C. Flynn, check it out for a preview of future segments.

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