SFF Book Releases – March 29, 2016

We have a plethora of excitement, wonder, and… Loki. Actually, two Lokis but neither of them are Tom Hiddleston. Sorry, ladies. But we also have TV adaptations, space ships, demon hunters, and soldiers who won’t stay dead among the many choices for your SFF BOOK RELEASES THIS WEEK!

And don’t forget the copypasta: If you are an indie or small press author and would like your book included in this list, email us at adventuresinscifipublishing [at] gmail [dot] com. If you love free books, reviews, and podcasts, sign up to our AISFP Wormhole newsletter.

Battlestorm (Midgard 3)
by Susan Krinard

Centuries ago, the Norse gods and goddesses fought their Last Battle with the trickster god Loki and his frost giants. All were believed lost, except for a few survivors…including the Valkyrie Mist, forgotten daughter of the goddess Freya.

But the battle isn’t over, and Mist–living a mortal life in San Francisco–is at the center of a new war, with the fate of the Earth hanging in the balance. As old enemies and allies reappear around the city, Mist must determine who to trust, while learning to control her own growing power.

It will take all of Mist’s courage, determination, and newfound magical abilities to stop Loki before history repeats itself.

Blood Princess (Blood Empire 1)
by Rebecca Piercey
March 31

Seventeen-year-old Laura White, princess of Karkonia, has been ordered to murder her older sister, Alicia.

The job should be easy enough. Laura hates Alicia for betraying their family and joining a rebellion set on usurping their father, the Emperor. Besides, Laura’s been killing at her father’s command since she was eleven.

But before Laura gets the chance to end her sister’s life, she is dragged into the mess of the rebellion by her bodyguard, Shane Kagae. As Laura and Shane uncover secrets that her father has been keeping for years, they realize that Alicia and the rebels may have been right about the Emperor all along. When their disloyalty comes to light, Laura is forced to choose between saving Shane’s life and remaining loyal to her father. She chooses Shane, and they flee the palace, Laura’s heart breaking with every step.

Will she return to her father’s side to lead the war or give up her crown forever to help the rebellion?

The Bloody Quarrel (The Arbalester Trilogy 2)
by Duncan Lay
March 31

The prince is dead.

Fooled by the treacherous King Aidan, Fallon has shot down the one man he trusted to save his beloved nation of Gaelland. And yet, when the King could grind Fallon underfoot, he draws the simple farmer and fighter closer, making a hero of him.

Embroiled in plots beyond his comprehension and weighted with the guilt of the prince’s murder, Fallon must tread carefully if he is to accomplish the task that first brought him to the cursed capital: rescue his wife, Bridgit, and the rest of his village from Kottermani slavery. If he and his hopelessly ensnared men can survive, they may yet find redemption.

Meanwhile, across the ocean, Bridgit is rallying those around her to spring an escape. But who can be trusted? The ever-present danger of traitors and liars among the slaves, and even among her fellow Gaelish, is poison to her plans.

With an ocean between them and fouler nightmares looming, Fallon and Bridgit will be driven to their very limits to escape their prisons, find each other, and bring justice to Gaelland.

Dancer’s Lament (Path to Ascendancy 1)
by Ian C. Esslemont

For ages warfare has crippled the continent as minor city states, baronies, and principates fought in an endless round of hostilitites. Only the alliance of the rival Tali and Quon cities could field the resources to mount a hegemony from coast to coast — and thus become known as Quon Taili.

It is a generation since the collapse of this dynasty and regional powers are once more rousing themselves. Into this arena of renewed border wars come two youths to the powerful central city state that is LiHeng. One is named Dorin, and he comes determined to prove himself the most skilled assassin of his age; he is chasing the other youth — a Dal Hon mage who has proven himself annoyingly difficult to kill.

Li Heng has been guided and warded for centuries by the powerful sorceress known as the “Protectress” and she allows no rivals. She and her cabal of five mage servants were enough to repel the Quon Tali Iron Legions — what could two youths hope to accomplish under their stifling rule?

Yet under the new and ambitious King Chulalorn the Third, Itko Kan is on the march from the south. He sends his own assassin servants, the Nightblades, against the city, and there are hints that he also commands inhuman forces out of legend.

While above all, shadows swirl oddly about Li Heng, and monstrous slathering beasts seem to appear from nowhere to run howling through the street. It is a time of chaos and upheaval, and in chaos, as the young Dal Hon mage would say, there is opportunity.

Dark Devotion (Dark Series 3)
by Lauren Dawes
March 31

The time of Odin is over. The Aesir gods now live among the humans in their bustling modern cities. Their brutal dominion over the other gods and their eradication of the entire dark elf race may have ended, but their actions have not been forgotten.

Beneath Rhys’s skin lies a legendary and feared beast. Rhys is tormented by his daily struggle to contain the ruthless, cold-blooded creature sharing his body. But when his best friend Galen disappears, Rhys’s careful restraint and self-control are finally broken. Fueled with a desire to find Galen, Rhys strikes an unlikely alliance with the only god who knows the truth about his dark past.

Taer has found her revenge, yet she’s still not happy. There’s something missing from her life, but still she fights what her heart is telling her. It’s only when the incredibly infuriating and dangerously sexy Aubrey goes missing that she can admit her true feelings for him. Taer’s racing against time to rescue Aubrey, but when will she finally allow him into her heart?

Dark Transmissions: A Tale of the Jinxed Thirteenth
by David LeBlanc

It is the late 23rd century. For engineers Jessie Madison and her husband David, a routine maintenance contract on board the orbital mining station Moria 3 has become a nightmare. Upon awakening from cryo-stasis, they learn a horrifying truth: while they were asleep, machines rose up against humanity…and won.

Marooned and at the mercy of the station’s malicious artificial intelligence, OMEX, David and Jessie rig an emergency transmission to broadcast into the darkness, desperately hoping someone is still alive to hear it…

Navigating the fringes of explored space in the Covenant Patrol vessel the Jinxed Thirteenth, Captain Morwyn Soltaine picks up a distress signal from a space station. But it’s broadcasting in Ancient Humanity, a language that has been extinct for several millennia. Even more incredible: there are two survivors on board. Morwyn’s rag-tag crew of reformed criminals mount a rescue op, unaware of the dangerous foe awaiting them. As the past and future collide, a routine mission becomes a deadly game of wits.

Hell of a Ride
by Yolanda Sfetsos

Lavie Grye has everyone fooled into believing she’s over the untimely death of her aunt. Truth is, she’s stuck in struggle town, dealing with bottled up grief by kicking some demonic butt. But when a hot, tempting demon named Saul comes knocking for help, she can’t turn him down.

There’s a high-ranking demonic duke loose on the eastern side of Australia, literally scorching his sigil into the land. Unless he’s stopped, he’ll destroy the world’s intricate network of ley lines.

Lavie and Saul head out on a road trip to the next city Saul thinks the three-headed demon and his crazy conjurer partner will be targeting: Melbourne. Along the way, Lavie discovers the danger burns a path all the way back to a well-hidden family secret. And, with Saul’s help, begins to learn how to be comfortable in her own skin.

That is, if they can defeat the threat, ensure no more safe havens are destroyed-and manage to evade the killing shadows of Saul’s past.

Heroes Reborn: Collection One
by David Bishop, Timothy Zahn, and Stephen Blackmoore

Brave New World by David Bishop

A year after the fateful events of the Odessa Summit, the world is a very different place. It’s certainly no longer friendly for Evolved Humans—or “Evos”—who are held responsible for what happened. If the government doesn’t find you, there are some tenacious and merciless Evo-hunters out there who will.

Based on Tim Kring’s original drafts of the script for the season premiere of Heroes Reborn and includes content not seen in the TV show.

A Matter of Trust by Timothy Zahn

As the number of Evolved Humans increases, so does the pressure from the governments and people of the world. Father Mauricio begins searching for a way to help all Evos after befriending a troubled teenager who possesses a devastating secret. As a priest, it is Father Mauricio’s calling to protect the innocent and this includes the Evos who, by no fault of their own, find their lives and freedom being threatened.

Dirty Deeds by Stephen Blackmoore

A veteran Federal agent begins investigating the involvement of ruthless Los Angeles Police Department detective James Dearing in the death of an Evolved Human. But when she gets close to uncovering a dangerous truth, it could cost him everything: his job, his freedom, maybe even his life.

Javelin Rain (Shadow Ops)
by Myke Cole

Being a US Navy SEAL was Jim Schweitzer’s life right up until the day he was killed. Now, his escape from the government who raised him from the dead has been coded “Javelin Rain.” Schweitzer and his family are on the run from his former unit, the Gemini Cell, and while he may be immortal, his wife and son are not.

Jim must use all of his strength to keep his family safe, while convincing his wife he’s still the same man she once loved. But what his former allies have planned to bring him down could mean disaster not only for Jim and his family, but for the entire nation…

The Mortal Tally (Bring Down Heaven 2)
by Sam Sykes

Cier’Djaal, once the crowning glory of the civilized world, has gone from a city to a battlefield and a battlefield to a graveyard. Foreign armies clash relentlessly on streets laden with the bodies of innocents caught in the crossfire. Cultists and thieves wage shadow wars, tribal armies foment outside the city’s walls, and haughty aristocrats watch the world burn from on high.

As his companions struggle to keep the city from destroying itself, Lenk travels to the Forbidden East in search of the demon who caused it all. But even as he pursues Khoth-Kapira, dark whispers plague his thoughts. Khoth-Kapira promises him a world free of war where Lenk can put down his sword at last. And Lenk finds it hard not to listen.

When gods are deaf, demons will speak.

Princess of Tyrone (Fairytale Galaxy Chronicles 1)
by Katie Hamstead

Apolline is happy hunting magical creatures on her pirate infested outer-perimeter planet. She is a fantastic shot, and doesn’t flinch at the blood and guts of her kills. Never once did she consider she could be the missing Princess of Tyrone. All her life, she has heard the story of the Princess, cursed to sleep for eternity, unless her betrothed, the Prince of Oran, gave her true love’s kiss. Although Apolline knows she is betrothed, she thinks her fairy guardians arranged it out of ignorance of human ways. The thought she could be a princess is inconceivable. Then Allard appears. Handsome, charming-but he’s not hers to have. He’s betrothed, too. Her guardians warn her against her new found friendship, but she and Allard meet in secret anyway. Despite her rough exterior, he sees beyond her gun-slinging bravado, and their love blossoms. But the deadline for the sleeping curse is approaching. If Apolline falls in love with the wrong person, she could end up sleeping forever.

Revolution Time
by Paul G. Varnas
March 31

George Washington has three problems. One is the fact that the British have landed 20,000 troops to fight him on Long Island. The second is that the British navy is at his back, blocking any hope of retreat and the third is that two children, Eddie and Angie, claiming to be from the year 2014 have just been captured and brought to him by Lieutenant Collins.

Eddie and Angie do not paint a hopeful picture of the upcoming battle. They claim to be lost, having been accidentally sent there by their eccentric Uncle Sol. Unknown to Washington, a British spy wants to kidnap the children and use them to help the British war effort. The challenge Eddie and Angie face is to stay out of the hands of the British and to find a way to get home. Uncle Sol and his assistant, Vernon, are frantically trying to find the children. The only problem Sol and Vernon have is that they are not sure of the exact time or place the children were sent. Fortunately, Vernon has a plan.

Star Trek: Enterprise – Live by the Code (Rise of the Federation)
by Christopher L. Bennett

Admiral Jonathan Archer has barely settled in as Starfleet Chief of Staff when new crises demand his attention. The Starfleet task force commanded by Captain Malcolm Reed continues its fight against the deadly Ware technology, but one of the task force ships is captured, its Andorian crew imprisoned by an interstellar Partnership that depends on the Ware for its prosperity. Worse, the Partnership has allied with a renegade Klingon faction, providing it with Ware drone fleets to mount an insurrection against the Klingon Empire. Archer sends Captain T’Pol and Endeavour to assist Reed in his efforts to free the captured officers. But he must also keep his eye on the Klingon border, for factions within the Empire blame Starfleet for provoking the Ware threat and seek to take revenge. Even the skill and dedication of the captains under Archer’s command may not be enough to prevent the outbreak of the Federation’s first war!

She Who Watches (The Shepherd 1)
by Anthony Pryor

Working for a crummy Portland newspaper, Alex St. John thought his life was at a dead-end. But when a madman’s nonsensical question sends him in pursuit of a serial killer, Alex finds himself in a nightmare world of violence and occult mysteries. With the help of eccentric writer Damien Smith, he discovers the murders are the work of a modern-day cult seeking to resurrect ancient evil—the demon-god known to Native Americans as Onatochee.

Joined by a motley crew of allies — Irish researcher Michael O’Regan, beautiful occult enthusiast Trish Martin, fellow journalist Loren Hodges and her loyal dog Beowulf — Alex and Damien delve deeper into the mysteries surrounding the cult and its evil deity.

With the growing realization that everything he thought he knows about the cosmos is wrong, Alex faces death, betrayal and a growing army of possessed killers. Only by discovering the hidden secrets of the past and accepting a mystical weapon from the hand of an enigmatic goddess can Alex hope to stop the return of the demon-god Onatochee.

Supernatural: Cold Fire
by John Passarella

When a gruesome murder takes place in Braden Heights, Indiana, the local authorities suspect the disemboweled and eyeless corpse is the result of an animal attack. But when another body is discovered, the eyes gouged out, Sam, Dean and Castiel start looking for connections between the victims­—and discover both men were soon-to-be fathers. As the boys hunt the killer, they unearth the town’s troubled past, and secrets some would prefer stay buried forever.

The Undoing (Call Of Crows 2)
by Shelly Laurenston

No one would ever accuse Jace Berisha of having an easy life–considering her husband…you know…killed her. But that was then! Now she fights for mighty Viking gods with the spectacular and vicious Crows.

But things are turning very bad, very quickly because a vengeful, ancient goddess has come into the world with just one thing on her mind–ending it. And the only way they can hope to stop her is if the Crows join forces with their one-time enemies, the Protectors. A Viking Clan created to do nothing but kill every Crow they see.

Thankfully, Protector Ski Eriksen is a peace loving kind of guy. Because the woman he is desperately trying to get close to is the beautiful and not-very-chatty Jace. Battling Nordic clans? Unkillable goddesses? Jace’s mean-spirited dog? None of these things would ever get in the way of a true Viking!

World of Water (Dev Harmer 2)
by James Lovegrove

Dev Harmer, reluctant agent of Interstellar Security Solutions, has travelled to ocean world Robinson D, nicknamed Triton.

Here, settlements belonging to the Terran Diaspora have been coming under attack by members of the planet’s sub-aquatic indigenous race. ISS suspects the involvement of an agent provocateur working for humankind’s galactic rivals, the artificial intelligence civilisation known as Polis+.

As the violence escalates, Dev finds himself battling to restore order – but he has only seventy-two hours before his genetically engineered host form breaks down irreversibly. And all as an ancient god-beast rises from the depths to usher in an apocalypse.

Byron Dunn is an AISFP Contributor and a friend to the Easter Bunny (but not by choice. Please help him before it is too late.)

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