AISFP 258 – Marie Brennan, A NATURAL HISTORY OF DRAGONS (Giveaway)

John Dodds joins Timothy C. Ward in this podcast interview with Marie Brennan about her A Memoir of Lady Trent series, a Hard Fantasy exploring a girl’s quest to stand in the presence of dragons. Tor has been very gracious to offer another giveaway, this time Tor has offered three copies of the second book, […]

Kindle Daily Deal and Review of NO RETURN by Zachary Jernigan

No Return by Zachary Jernigan is on sale today only for $1.99 on Kindle. I’ve made no secret about my appreciation for this debut novel, naming it to my Top 5 of 2013 list and interviewing Zachary on the podcast (AISFP 207 – Educational Paths to SF Writing/AISFP 209 – No Return Discussion). His book […]

Book Review: SCOURGE OF THE BETRAYER by Jeff Salyards

Not only are there a lot of Fantasy books out there to choose from, Grimdark no less, but in the next three months I have a large stack of books coming out that are all competing for this genre’s attention. I’m not going to list those other books because Jeff Salyards’ book, Scourge of the […]

Book Review: RANGE OF GHOSTS by Elizabeth Bear

I have heard for years that Elizabeth Bear is a rare talent, and I wish I hadn’t waited this long to read her. Her ability to mesmerize me with her prose reminds me of Mercedes Yardley, but with her own flair. I highlighted many passages from Range of Ghosts, but I’ll start with the first […]

SF Book Releases This Week: April 29, 2014

Pennsylvania Omnibus by Michael Bunker Young Amishman Jedidiah Troyer is now a traveler. He’s signed up for an emigration program that is colonizing the planet of New Pennsylvania. He just wants to start a farm and homestead on affordable land in a new Amish community. Space pioneering isn’t as easy as it sounds when you’re […]

AISFP 257 – Elizabeth Bear, ETERNAL SKY Trilogy Giveaway

Timothy C. Ward invited super-fan, Sarah Chorn, and the wonderful reviewer behind Bookworm Blues to interview Hugo Award winning author, Elizabeth Bear, who just recently finished her ETERNAL SKY trilogy. And the wonderful people at Tor are offering a giveaway of the entire trilogy to one winner with a mailing address in US or Canada. […]

Anthologies Open to Submissions: GRIMDARK GRIMOIRE and BLURRING THE LINE

Two anthologies recently caught my attention. If you are looking for something to break up the grueling task of editing a novel, or if you prefer the punch of delivering a story in less than five thousand words, you might be interested in these two anthologies who’ve recently opened up for submissions: *Editor’s note, Grimdark […]

Game of Thrones Season 4, Ep 2: The Mystery of __’s Death – Still a Mystery

The second major wedding in HBO’s Game of Thrones occurred going on two weeks ago, and this time, fans aren’t weeping with sadness at the latest death. If you aren’t caught up, stop reading (seriously, spoilers ahead), while the rest of us continue celebrating the death of young King Joffrey Baratheon. It’s true, celebration is […]

AISFP 256 – Barry Goldblatt, Literary Agent

Moses Siregar III sat down with literary agent, Barry Goldblatt (BG Literary), at the recent World Fantasy Convention. They discussed: News on Barry’s clients Stories on how his clients were chosen How he got started as an agent State of industry for author advances Advice for aspiring authors, such as developing thick skin and perseverence […]

Book Review: CHERUB by David C. Hayes

I first encountered David C Hayes in an online writing workshop I took last year. His stories for the workshop were fun to read, and when he was looking for reviewers his new novel Cherub, I jumped at the opportunity. A small town misfit gives birth to a giant baby so large that it breaks […]