AISFP 134 – Daniel Polansky, Hugos, Book Reviews

Daniel Polansky joins us to discuss his debut novel LOW TOWN. We talk about the blending of epic fantasy with crime fiction, writing sinful characters, how he is both like and not like George R. R. Martin, his approach to world building, why he screams at people in bookstores and why you should too.

AISFP 133 – Justin Gustainis

Justin Gustainis is a man who owes over $4,000 in library fees, but that’s not his only claim to fame! He is the author of the recently released HARD SPELL and SYMPATHY FOR THE DEVIL, and he joins us to discuss the circumstances around his first novel, THE HADES PROJECT, what inspired him as a child, a demonically possessed President of the United States (not ours. Listen to the interview.), style and pacing, dialogue, the Odyssey Workshop, his novel’s connection to Dracula, that his books are not paranormal romance, editing anthologies, meth-addicted goblins and an author who shall not be named.

AISFP 132 – Timothy Zahn

In 1992 Timothy Zahn penned HEIR TO THE EMPIRE, the first of a STAR WARS trilogy that would set the market for an expanded Star Wars universe. Now, with over 140 Star Wars novels in print and a new one hitting shelves seemingly every month, Tim joins us to discuss his latest venture into the Star Wars universe, CHOICES OF ONE.

AISFP 131 – Greg Van Eekhout

Greg Van Eekhout joins us to discuss THE BOY AT THE END WORLD, his upcoming trilogy from Tor Books, creating robots, mammoths, distopian futures, Comic-Con, and why Greg so much enjoys writing for middle-grade kids.

AISFP 130 – Moses Siregar III

We talked with our very own Moses Siregar III about his debut novel, The Black God’s War (just released). We found out about Moses’s sordid past (lots of D&D and coke, erm, Coca Cola) and how his rekindled interest in RPGs became the gateway drug for writing fantasy novels. Moses also revealed more of his inner geek, as he talked about how Robotech, The Iliad, and The Decemberists inspired him to write his book.

AISFP 129 – Blake Charlton

Blake Charlton, author of SPELLBOUND, joins us to discuss science, writing characters with disabilities, his journey to getting published, why he decided to pursue medicine, balancing careers and accepting the sacrifice that goes with that balance, and much more.

AISFP 128 – Rachel Caine

New York Times bestselling author Rachel Caine joins us to discuss THE MORGANVILLE VAMPIRE series, the WEATHER WARDEN series, writing one of the first Fandemonium STARGATE SG-1 novels, creating her own flavor of vampires, her writing schedule, writing with a day job, building music playlists for her novels, writing under various pen names, and reinventing herself.

AISFP 127 – Rick Novy and X-Men Review

Rick Novy joins us to discuss his new novel NEANDERTHAL SWANSONG. Among the topics he and Shaun tackle: cloning, a near future America, California, Jurassic Park, why science fiction can be so depressing at times, mathmatics, Japan, coming-of-age stories, and, yes, Fish Punk!

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AISFP 126 – Robin Sullivan

Robin Sullivan, owner and publisher of Ridan Publishing, discusses the ever changing publishing industry, working with your husband, author Michael Sullivan (interviewed in episode 125), Nathan Lowell, the Write to Publish blog, marketing, ebooks, authors B.V. Larson, David Dalglish, Victorine Lieske, pricing strategy, and so much more.