Timothy C. Ward, author of Scavenger, and Sarah Chorn, reviewer at Bookworm Blues, interviewed Hugo Award Winner, Will McIntosh about his career, full-time writing, and his latest novels Defenders and Love Minus Eighty. GIVEAWAY Orbit Books is offering one copy of Defenders to an AISFP Newsletter Subscriber (US and Canada only). Subscribe by Monday June […]

AISFP Podcast 262 – Jeff Salyards, VEIL OF THE DESERTERS

Moses Siregar III and Timothy C. Ward invited Jeff Salyards onto the podcast to discuss his Bloodsounder’s Arc, a tremendous new addition to Fantasy’s landscape. Jeff shares about how he grew as a writer between the first book, Scourge of the Betrayer, and the sequel, Veil of the Deserters. He gives tips on writing action […]

AISFP Podcast 261 – Michael J. Martinez, The Daedalus Series

Timothy C. Ward hosts two authors from Night Shade Books, Michael J. Martinez to introduce his debut novel, The Daedalus Incident, Book One in the Daedalus Series; his writing journey through Night Shade Books’ upheaval; his improvement in Book Two, The Enceladus Crisis; and writing across genres with four POV’s. Great writing advice and encouragement […]

AISFP Podcast 260 – Writing A Successful Character (Nancy Kress at Paradise ICON)

Nancy Kress presented a lecture at the Paradise ICON workshop in Cedar Rapids, Iowa on the topic of what makes a successful character and how to write that information onto the page. A little more about Nancy: She earned an M.S. in education (1977) and an M.A. in English (1979) from State University of New […]

AISFP Podcast 259 – Grimdark Character Arcs with Ragnarok Publications

Timothy C. Ward hosts a panel with authors and editors from Ragnarok Publications to discuss Grimdark character arcs, what makes them Grimdark and what we love about them. Ragnarok is also offering a giveaway to one of our subscribers to pick an ebook from their catalogue. As usual, the giveaway will end next Monday at […]

AISFP 258 – Marie Brennan, A NATURAL HISTORY OF DRAGONS (Giveaway)

John Dodds joins Timothy C. Ward in this podcast interview with Marie Brennan about her A Memoir of Lady Trent series, a Hard Fantasy exploring a girl’s quest to stand in the presence of dragons. Tor has been very gracious to offer another giveaway, this time Tor has offered three copies of the second book, […]

AISFP 257 – Elizabeth Bear, ETERNAL SKY Trilogy Giveaway

Timothy C. Ward invited super-fan, Sarah Chorn, and the wonderful reviewer behind Bookworm Blues to interview Hugo Award winning author, Elizabeth Bear, who just recently finished her ETERNAL SKY trilogy. And the wonderful people at Tor are offering a giveaway of the entire trilogy to one winner with a mailing address in US or Canada. […]

AISFP 256 – Barry Goldblatt, Literary Agent

Moses Siregar III sat down with literary agent, Barry Goldblatt (BG Literary), at the recent World Fantasy Convention. They discussed: News on Barry’s clients Stories on how his clients were chosen How he got started as an agent State of industry for author advances Advice for aspiring authors, such as developing thick skin and perseverence […]

AISFP 255 – Bruce Taylor on becoming Mr. Magical Realism

Timothy C. Ward interviews Bruce Taylor for the second part of their phone conversation that began on AISFP Episode 241, Bruce Taylor on Magical Realism. In this interview, he asks how Bruce became known as Mr. Magical Realism. Tim posted a panel on Quantum Physics Meets Magical Realism from ChiCon 7, where Bruce was a […]

AISFP 254 – Editing Advice with Ellen Datlow (ICON panel)

Lots of topics discussed in this panel at ICON in Cedar Rapids, IA, 2013, with Ellen Datlow, Gregory Frost and Nancy Kress. Funny stories of what not to do when submitting stories Blending Horror and Humor without losing either element’s effect Self-editing Scene breakdowns When a story goes off the rails “Do not psyche yourself […]