AISFP 303 – Laura Anne Gilman

Kristi chats with Nebula and Locus-nominated author Laura Anne Gilman about the different genres she writes in, her varying experiences in publishing and “her knack for taking tropes and hurting them.” Laura Anne also shares some tips for newly minted authors on giving their first panel and what self-publishing authors should look for in an editor. Her next delivery of trope torture publishes October 2016 in the form of The Devil’s West series debut SILVER ON THE ROAD:

East of the Mississippi, in the civilized world, dime store novels and gossips claim that the territory to the west  is home to monsters and magic, wild Indians and disreputable whites.  They claim that in order to survive, any who live there must make a deal with the Devil.

Some of this is true.

Isobel  is a child of the Territory.  She grew up in a saloon, trained to serve drinks and fold laundry, to observe the players at the card tables and report back to her boss on what she saw.  But when she comes of age, she is given a choice….

“The right hand gathers and gives, visible to all.  But the left hand, Isobel, the manu sinistra?  It moves in shadows, unseen, unheard…. Until I deem it time for it to be seen and heard.  And when it moves, its work cannot be undone. It is the strength of the Territory, the quick knife in the darkness, the cold eye and the final word.”

She looked up, away from his hands, and was caught by a gaze the burnt gold of the morning sun. 

“I have been lacking a left hand for too long, now. Are you strong enough for that, Isobel nee Lacoyo Távora?  Is the iron in your spine, the fire in your blood, proof against my forging?”

Isobel chooses power.  Chooses risk. Chooses to throw her cards in with the Devil, Master of the Territory.

But the costs of that power are greater than she ever imagined; the things she must do, the person she must become…  And she needs to learn her new role quickly: pressures from both outside the Territory and within are growing, and the Devil’s Hand has work to do…

Timothy C Ward Scavenger EvolutionThis episode is brought to you by Scavenger: Evolution by Timothy C. Ward. A compilation of Scavenger 1-3 (Red Sands, Blue Dawn and Twin Suns). In the future, sand divers search the depths for the lost city of Danvar and the truth behind their bleak existence. Divemaster Rush hasn’t dove since he lost his infant. A job offer turns from an escape to a trap and the lure of a hardened heart to survive like anyone else would. One dive leads to another. Farther and farther from the surface, death and evolution change his world. He’ll have to change too or watch his wife rise without him.

Inspired by Hugh Howey’s world of Sand. Written and sold with his permission. Scavenger: Evolution takes the landscape of Dune and throws in the pacing and thrills of Alien.

Available at all major online retailers in ebook and print, including signed copies direct from the author at

Make sure to follow Tim on FacebookTwitter and Goodreads.

In our Laura Anne Gilman interview

Laura Anne Gilman's Devil's WestBefore the interview, Brent provides only a brief welcome, as he had a member of his family pass away earlier in the month. He and Kristi will discuss the Nebula Awards, Campbell Conference and Irene Gallo/Tor situation next episode.

During the interview, Kristi chats with Laura Anne about:

      • The narrowing view of fantasy and all of its subgenres.
      • Her varying experiences in publishing and how being a former editor helps and hurts the writing cause. And how writing three books a year could kill you.
      • Taking well-known supporting characters and using them to expand a series.
      • Tips to handle a convention panel like a pro.
      • How whiskey and wine have factored into her work.

You can find Laura Anne Gilman on her websiteTwitterFacebook and Goodreads.

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  1. Excellent intrerview with Laura Anne Gilman, Kristi! I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was very informative and engaging, and some good information to take on board. Thanks!

  2. Is there a transcript? I was listening to this in the car, and heard something I really wanted to remember, but two hours later when I arrived where I could write anything down, I no longer remembered what it was. I just know it was during the interview.

  3. An excellent interview. Laura is fascinating to listen to. I read and enjoyed her story in the weird west anthology, but I think I need to seek out her novels now. Good interview on your part, too, Kristi. Sidebar about previous episodes (I am being only slightly tongue in cheek here): I am really bored with the Sad Puppies debate – can we drop it now, please? On the grounds that the attention-seeker aggressors thrive on the attention and may just wilt and die if they are deprived of airspace.

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