AISFP 115 – Ferrett Steinmetz

Ferrett Steinmetz, up for the John W. Campbell Award for best new writer, chats about what it takes to write a great short story (the guy should know, he’s s slush editor for Apex Magazine), Clarion, blogging, and overcoming challenges.

AISFP 114 – Stina Leicht, Daryl Gregory

Stina Leicht joins us from the World Fantasy Convention to discuss Irish fairy tales, shapeshifters, terrorism, Dungeons and Dragons, book-selling and pursuing her dreams. Then Daryl Gregory discuss the lack of religion in Middle Earth (no touched-by-Gandalf jokes please), writing short stories, novels, and comics, genre-blending, strangeness, and humor in prose.

AISFP 113 – Brandon Sanderson, Dan Wells, Howard Tayler (Writing Excuses)

Brandon Sanderson, Dan Wells, and Howard Tayler of the Writing Excuses podcast discuss their journeys and their wildly successful podcast.

AISFP 112 – Laura Resnick, Mary Robinette Kowal

In this episode we are joined by Laura Resnick, author of the Esther Diamond novels, and Mary Robinette Kowal, author of Shades of Milk and Honey. Laura discusses agents (Should writers have one? What do they provide?) and her less than satisfying experience with them. Mary discusses Jane Austin, magic systems, science, period clothing and […]

AISFP 111 – Michael A. Stackpole

Moses sat down with Michael A. Stackpole at the World Fantasy convention to discuss ebooks, digital publishing and the future of print publishing. A great discussion that ties into recent topics and conversations here on the podcast.

AISFP 110 – Liza Groen Trombi

LOCUS Magazine Editor-in-Chief Liza Groen Trombi joins our Brent Bowen at the World Fantasy Convention to discuss trends in the industry, the health of print short fiction (Realms of Fantasy’s folding. Though, it’s since been purchased and will continue.), and their January 2011 launch into the digital editions

AISFP 109 – Elizabeth C. Bunce

Elizabeth C. Bunce, author of Star Crossed and A Curse Dark as Gold, joins our Moses Siregar at the World Fantasy Convention to discuss writing for teens, the value of a good editor and a good agent, how to write for teens, and much more.

AISFP 108 – Tracy Hickman

We follow-up with Tracy Hickman to recap his self-publishing effort with Tales of the Dragons Bard: Eventide. We discuss both unexpected events and what he might do differently with future projects.

AISFP 107 – David Farland

David Wolverton (also known as David Farland) joins our Moses Siregar for a positive, entertaining interview. They discuss how ebooks will save the big publishers, how to make it big, why there is more money in YA publishing, self-publishing, Superstars of Writing, an author who had 14 number 1 New York Times bestsellers in 2 years and much more.

AISFP 106 – Guy Gavriel Kay

We are thrilled to present fantasy superstar Guy Gavriel Kay from the 2010 World Fantasy Convention. Topics discussed include fantasy’s break from Tolkien, critical reviews, the structure of novels, and much more.