Cover Reveal – TALES FROM PENNSYLVANIA with Timothy C. Ward


Cover Design by Jason Gurley. On sale Nov. 21.

Hey everybody! Good news, my first story in a print book is coming out Friday, November 21. You may remember Michael Bunker from AISFP 249 talking about his novel, Pennsylvania, the trailblazing novel in an exciting new genre of Amish SciFi. While you can read this anthology or his novel first, there is still a few weeks left before the anthology releases, so there’s plenty of time to discover what made his world so exciting to write in.

*Read the first hundred pages of Pennsylvania free.*

*Tales from Pennsylvania preorder page.*

Colonization is a familiar trope in Science Fiction, as is the desire to escape tyranny. In the world set up by Pennsylvania, Earth has fallen into a dystopia ruled by Transport, a tyrannical government that has introduced technologies like BICE, a chip in your head that gives you access to the Internet, but in the increase of technology this world has become harder to escape the reach and authority of Transport. The main character in Pennsylvania is a young Amish man, Jed, who leaves his family to help in the farms of New Pennsylvania, a distant planet similar to Earth. Pennsylvania is full of mystery, twists and thrills. Jed and his Amish kin struggle to maintain their peaceful way of life when faced with the tyranny of Transport, which has followed them to New Pennsylvania.

My story, “The Bomb in the President’s Bathroom” is a race-against-time to escape a terrorist attack on the City. I was inspired by a picture in the paper about a mother kneeling to embrace her son at a ceremony greeting soldiers who have returned from war. My story is about the photographer who captures this moment, and how it inspires him to do what is right, against heavy odds.

Cover by Jason Gurley. On sale Friday, Nov.  21

Cover by Jason Gurley. On sale Friday, Nov. 21

If you’re looking for a fresh voice in Science Fiction, check out the trendsetters in Amish SciFi. Pennsylvania by Michael Bunker is available now. More fan fiction has already been released, and Tales from Pennsylvania will be out Friday, November 21. Click the link below to join our Facebook launch party for giveaways and a great time. I’ll be hosting from 8-9 PM CDT.

Chris Pourteau, co-editor and contributor to Tales from Pennsylvania had this to say:

In November, eleven talented writers (including Michael himself) are providing you all new short stories set in the Pennsylvania universe. Besides myself and Michael, the other contributors are Nina Tozzi, Kevin G. Summers, Lesley Smith, Timothy C. Ward, Edward W. Robertson, Tim Grahl, Jennifer Ellis, Kim Wells, and Nick Cole. To try and summarize the talent in this collection would take several blogs! But I can say, as co-editor of the anthology with David Gatewood, I’ve been immersed in these tales for months and they’re excellent! They explore every corner of Michael’s universe—from the Great Shelf to the City to the AZ to all new areas even he didn’t dream of. And Michael provides a whole new Eagles story bound to bring a smile to the faces of Eagles fans everywhere. Look for the collection on Amazon November 21! We’ll be hosting a Facebook launch party that day, too, so reserve some time on your calendar to join us and chat with the authors. It’ll be a blast!

About Timothy C. Ward

Timothy C. Ward is a former Executive Producer for AISFP. His debut novel, Scavenger: Evolution, blends Dune with Alien in a thriller where sand divers uncover death and evolution within America's buried fortresses. Sign up to his author newsletter for updates on new releases.

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