Book Review: Birdsnatch by C.J. Cummings and Mark Ryan

Birdsnatch (also available at is apparently the first in a planned series called “A Tale Told Twice.” The idea behind the series is that two authors take the same title and build separate stories around only the title. This is the first result of that experiment. In C.J. Cummings’s novella, an irreversible computer error is causing […]

SFF Book Releases – September 1, 2015

No, it’s not Christmas but, seeing the sheer amount of SFF Book Releases This Week, I won’t blame you if you put out a stocking. Just don’t expect to see anything until December. And that’s only if you’re good. If you are an indie or small press author and would like your book included in […]

SFF Book Releases – August 25, 2015

ERMAHGERD! It’s the SFF Berk… We mean BOOK Releases This Week. If you are an indie or small press author and would like your book included in this list, email us at adventuresinscifipublishing [at] gmail [dot] com. If you love free books, reviews and podcasts, sign up to our AISFP Wormhole newsletter. And now… ERN TO TER BERKS! Black […]

SFF Book Releases – August 18, 2015

IN A WORLD where new books appear every Tuesday, ONE MAN has the power to bring you your SFF Book Releases This Week. If you are an indie or small press author and would like your book included in this list, email us at adventuresinscifipublishing [at] gmail [dot] com. If you love free books, reviews and podcasts, sign […]

Book Review: Beyond Apollo by Barry N. Malzberg

“I never had much use for science fiction… Science Fiction gave the program a bad name. It was so disreputable in the minds of most people that the program had to be as businesslike as possible in order to seem legitimate.” Beyond Apollo by Barry N. Malzberg was first published in 1972 by Random House. […]

SFF Book Releases – August 11, 2015

Like sands through the hourglass, so are the SFF Book Releases This Week. If you are an indie or small press author and would like your book included in this list, email us at adventuresinscifipublishing [at] gmail [dot] com. If you love free books, reviews and podcasts, sign up to our AISFP Wormhole newsletter. The End of All Things […]

SFF Book Releases – August 4, 2015

It’s a new month full of new books making a strong showing for the SFF Book Releases This Week. If you are an indie or small press author and would like your book included in this list, email us at adventuresinscifipublishing [at] gmail [dot] com. If you love free books, reviews and podcasts, sign up to […]

Book Review: Private Midnight by Kris Saknussemm

I first came across Kris Saknussemm’s work in The Bizarro Starter Kit (Purple). His contribution was a novella called Sparklewheel, which I described in my review as a “psycho-sexual fever dream.” It’s no surprise, then, that Saknussemm bills his second novel, Private Midnight, as “a pschoerotic noir fairytale.” Sparklewheel was a sort of picaresque that moved […]

SFF Book Releases – July 28, 2015

It’s time to discover the fantastic adventures awaiting your library with your SFF Book Releases This Week. If you are an indie or small press author and would like your book included in this list, email us at adventuresinscifipublishing [at] gmail [dot] com. If you love free books, reviews and podcasts, sign up to our AISFP Wormhole […]

YA Bookclub special TROLLHUNTERS, ‘Horror Pack’ giveaway

This post was created in partnership with Disney-Hyperion, who has provided “Horror Fan Starter Pack” samples and prizing.  All thoughts and opinions are those of Adventures in Scifi Publishing, and other mentioned giveaways are provided by us or the respective publisher. One of my favorite things about taking over as Executive Producer of Adventures in Scifi Publishing has […]