AISFP 105 – Nancy Kress and Scott Sigler

Nancy Kress and Scott Sigler join us to discuss a variety of issues, including writing, science, and hard lessons.

AISFP 104 – Anne Sowards and Clay and Susan Griffith

Penquin Editor Anne Sowards and writers Clay and Susan Griffith join us to discuss a variety of topics, including editing, comics, The Tick, Steampunk Vampires, writing advice, Jim Butcher and more.

AISFP 103 – Sam Sykes

Sam Sykes, author of Tome of the Undergates, joins us to discuss his new novel, hard-to-like characters, authors who defend their work, criticism, the future, and much more.

AISFP 102 – Ann Vandermeer and Matthew Sturges

I’m pleased to present my final interviews from Comic-Con: Weird Tales Fiction Editor Ann Vandermeer and writer Matthew Sturges, author of The Office of Shadow and Midwinter.

AISFP 101 – Diana Rowland

Diana Rowland joins us at Comic-Con to discuss demon attacks, Hurrican Katrina, white trash zombies, CSI and a career that blossomed when times looked bleak.

AISFP 100 – Kij Johnson

Kij Johnson joins us from the Campbell Conference to discuss the possible evolution of the short story, her own recent award-winning Spar — 2009 Nebula Award Winner, 2010 Hugo Award Nominee, and 2010 Locus Award Finalist — and this Midwest gem called the Center for the Study of Science Fiction.

AISFP 99 – John Picacio

Artist John Picacio joins us from Comic-Con to discuss how he approaches cover illustration, the differences between an illustrator and an artist, his favorite science fiction authors, how ebooks might negatively effect artists, and his future projects, including the 2012 Song of Ice and Fire calendar.

AISFP 98 – Paolo Bacigalupi

Like the true champion he is, recent Hugo-winning author Paolo Bacigalupi fights through respiratory issues to chat with us about the Campbell Conference, his collaboration with Tobias Buckell on the novella The Alchemist and The Executioness, and his YA novel Ship Breaker.

AISFP 97 – Lou Anders

Lou Anders discusses science fiction conventions, the sophistication of modern superhero fiction, the new Sword and Sorcery, the power of io9, and forthcoming titles.

AISFP 96 – Brandon Sanderson and Paul Cornell

Brandon Sanderson and Paul Cornell join us to discuss novels, comics, Dr. Who, The Wheel of Time, and much more.