AISFP 243 — Ramez Naam, CRUX Giveaway

Brent Bowen chats with Ramez Naam at the 2013 Worldcon in San Antonio. They discuss his novels Nexus and its follow-up, Crux; whether we, both individually and culturally, are equipped to adapt to a world of accelerating technological change (such as privacy matters and how we ALL are being watched by the NSA); and the […]

AISFP 242 – John Gwynne, MALICE

Moses Siregar III interviews John Gwynne at World Fantasy Con shortly after John won the Morningstar Award for Best Debut Novel for Malice (The Faithful and the Fallen). They chatted about the long process John took in making Malice so great, how his story is similar to A Song of Ice and Fire and Riyria […]

AISFP 241 – Bruce Taylor on Magical Realism

Timothy C. Ward interviews Mr. Magical Realism, Bruce Taylor, about how Magical Realism creates a plethora of opportunities for story telling. You may remember Bruce from the WorldCon/ChiCon panel where he and Cat Valente discussed, “Quantum Physics Meets Magical Realism.” About our guest, Bruce Taylor: Bruce Taylor, also know as “Mr. Magic Realism,” was a […]

AISFP 240 – Tad Williams

Moses Siregar III interviews author Tad Williams at World Fantasy Con, 2013. His latest novel, Happy Hour In Hell is the second volume in the Bobby Dollar series. More about Tad Williams: Former singer, shoe-seller, radio show host, and inventor of interactive sci-fi television, Tad Williams is now a full-time writer. His ‘Memory, Sorrow and […]

AISFP 239 – M. Harold Page, Medieval Fantasy

Timothy C. Ward interviews M. Harold Page, author of Marshal versus the Assassins: A Foreworld SideQuest (The Foreworld Saga). On top of his contract work writing historical adventure stories for two different franchises, one of which relates to the Mongoliad, he also teaches German Longsword. Discussed: “Putting your body where your politics are,” as one […]

AISFP 238 – James S.A. Corey

Timothy C. Ward interviews Daniel Abraham and Ty Franck, known for their pen name James S.A. Corey, to discuss their top-notch space opera series, The Expanse. Discussed (Locus Mag interview as a source) The strengths of Daniel’s and Ty’s input into making the James S.A. Corey duo, writing and worldbuilding. How Ty created The Expanse […]

AISFP 237 – Kevin Lucia and Ronald Malfi, Part Two

Timothy C. Ward and Kevin Lucia return for this second part of their interview with Mystery/Thriller/Horror author, Ronald Malfi. Part one: AISFP 236. Check details below for how to enter our big Coffin Hop Web Tour giveaway. Discussed: How Ronald Malfi paces a mystery into the horror story, using his award-winning novel, Floating Staircase, as […]

AISFP 236 – Ronald Malfi and Kevin Lucia, Part One

Continuing our Coffin Hop Blog Tour, Timothy C. Ward tags Horror author, Kevin Lucia, author of Things Slip Through, to help interview one of the best Horror authors you might never have heard of, Ronald Malfi. For those who associate Horror with blood-and-guts shock fests, his is not that kind of Horror. Listen on and […]

AISFP 235 – Colin F. Barnes, ARTIFICIAL EVIL

Timothy C. Ward interviews Colin F. Barnes, author of the Techxorcist series, Book 1, Artificial Evil, and recently released Book 2, Assembly Code. Get ARTIFICIAL EVIL free by emailing Colin through his contact page, with the email subject: Free Artificial Copy. Offer ends Jan. 1, 2014. Discussed: The Techxorcist world, its everyman character and the […]


Brent Bowen and Scott Lynch discussed: (No spoilers for any of his books) How he’s handled his success and his response to people saying his Gentleman Bastard books will stand the test of time. How much work goes into his establishing his literary voice. “The words we choose are our brushstrokes.” – Scott Lynch How […]